Wednesday, October 6, 2010

vietnamese chicken sub

the best thing at duffins is the vietnamese chicken sub.  this post will anger chicken torta supremacists.   i understand the torta has avocado, but overall, the vegetable components of a vietnamese sub are tastier.   if you send me pro-torta hate mail i will ignore it because i have enough hate in my life, thanks.

talking about this sandwich seems pointless, i will list its components and post a picture of it with jokerman font on it because it is my favourite font.

french bread for fluff and carb
carrots n cucumbers for crisp and sweetness
hot peppers (warning! spice alert!)
chicken for meaty goodness.

be a glutton and get it with fries.  get mayo and cock sauce for the fries.  who needs arteries.

this sandwich is the goddamn reason you go to duffins.  it is not merely a novelty menu item to gawk at.

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